Monday 13 February 2012

Regaining Passion and Power Through Beauty...

   Hello Beauties, today I wish to share with you a few words written by Jackie Clark, who e-mailed me while ago asking for "little help"... You see, she does outreach for Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, a leading web resource for mesothelioma cancer. She was interested in seeing if I can allow her guest posts on my site...
   So this post will be my little contribution to campaign of spreading a word of beauty across the world - to every single woman on this planet, no matter if short or tall, slim or +size, healthy or with terminal illness... This time we'll talk about cancer, I hope you will join the conversation and support this great cause...
Remember, your body is your temple, cherish it and respect - always! <3  

   Witajcie Pieknosci, dzis chcialabym sie z Wami podzielic kilkoma slowami napisanymi przez Jackie Clark, ktora jakis czas temu przyslala mi maila z prosba o "mala pomoc"... Widzicie, Jackie dziala jako osoba "uswiadamiajaca o raku" w Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, na jednej z przodujacych stron zawierajacych informacje o raku pluc. Chciala sie dowiedziec, czy bylabym zainteresowana opublikowaniem dla niej goscinnej notki na blogu...
   Tak wiec ten post bedzie moim malym wkladem w kampanie szerzaca na calym swiecie slowo "piekno" - kazdej kobiecie na tej planecie, nie wazne czy niskiej czy wysokiej, szczuplej czy puszystej, zdrowej czy nieuleczalnie chorej... Dzis porozmawiamy o raku, mam nadzieje ze dolaczycie sie do rozmowy i poprzecie ten szczytny cel.
Mam nadzieje, ze ten artykul mimo, iz po angielsku, bedzie latwy do zrozumienia...

Twoje cialo to twoja swiatynia, kochaj ja i szanuj! <3

picture was copied from the internet
Regaining Passion and Power Through Beauty
By: Jackie Clark

   When women are confronted with doctors or with something like mesothelioma cancer, they often find that many of the things that they loved go right out the window. For example, if you were someone who placed a high priority on looks, you might have found that your thoughts about how you look and how you felt took a second seat to more serious health concerns. However, if you are in recovery or even in the final stages of treatment, it is time to reclaim that kind of power!

   What many people never think about is that fashion and beauty are power. They are a woman’s way of saying to the world that she knows that she looks good, that she is confident and that she is invested in making the most of herself. More importantly, for many women, this is how she tells herself this kind of thing as well. If you are invested in making sure that you reclaim some of that power that you might have lost during your diagnosis and original treatment. Do you remember how strong and confident you felt before? Fashion was likely a part of it.

   One of the ways that women set themselves apart is by their fashion style. Think about your group of friends. Chances are good that none of you dress alike. Think about the choices you make and how empowering it is to make the choices that make you, you! For example, are you someone who loves a simple style that recalls fun country looks, or do you need a more urban look, where everything has a brand name label on it? They say the clothes make the man, but you should also be aware that the clothes make the woman as well!

   If you are getting back on your feet after a difficult time, use fashion to cheer you up. If you have changed shape, there has never been a better time to run off and to find some fantastic pieces that suit the new you. For example, head out and buy a top that you would never have thought about before. This is a good way to ring in the new good times ahead. Consider whether you are a skirt person, a jeans person or a slacks person, or whether you are combination of all three. Head out shopping and think about nothing more than getting the perfect blouse.

   To get off to a great new start today and for all of the rest of your tomorrows, consider what you have in store for you in terms of fashion. Choose the clothes that will make you feel beautiful and powerful again, and remember that you have some fantastic options in front of you. 

photo copied from the internet


Unknown said...

ciekawy tekst, taki podnoszący na duchu!

ALISZ said...


Anonymous said...

hmm, świetne! ^^
Super blog, może poobserwujemy? :)

Lili said...
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4premiere said...

cała prawda:)Wtedy zauważamy wszystko co wazne.
Takie choroby czasem sa spowodowane chorobami duszy:)Czytałam kiedys fajna ksiązkę ciało i dusza:) Cieszmy sie zatem każdym dzien i róbmy sobie przyjemności:DTo tak na marginesie.

4premiere said...

a moda, piękno poprzez kosmetyki nie od dzis wiadomo jaką daje nam siłę i przyjemność.Ja myślę,ze po każdej chorobie dostajemy nowego kopa:)

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